金力牌系列产品在全球行销于钢铁、电力、汽修、造船等各行业中。作为金力牌主要产品之一的车身整型修复设备类(汽修行业),一直以来得到销售商及使用用户的好评与肯定,所以有现时在全球领先同类型产品的质量及服务。使用户看到[]就认可[]金力牌的品质与保证。在此也为你能明智选择[]金力品牌表示感谢! 金力牌系列产品被多家汽车品牌4S站指定或选用为建站必需品,如通用、本田、日产、雷克萨斯、丰田等,并获得用户的一致好评。 在各界同仁的鼎力支持下,本公司势必再创佳绩,服务社会!
Out products have the advantages of operating simply and fixing the bodywork fleetly, bearing strong pull when be prone
to heavy repair of bodywork and accomplishing drawing needn’t clamp chassis when light repair.
Configure many sets of oilpressed pumps without angle limit, and can perform face lifting and repair
of many points at the same time then improve work efficiency rapidly.
Several vehicles can be operated at the same time according to ground and environment, and don’t occupy place,
also can cooperate with other moto repair when not rectify and repair, so have high maneuverability.
Force are powerful enough (10tom) to bear distortion of bodywork caused by strike due
to outside force especially distortion renew of chassis of crossbeam.
Whether from the convenience, timeliness, economy or variability of operation, Ban-Gold the Eight Diagrams bodywork face lifting equipment can’t be replaced by other Ban-Gold equipments, so it is the best work partner of your BanGold bodywork repair: If you need known anymore to E-mail:85927383_fsb@21cn .net |